BARCELONA, SPAIN-(GLOBE NEWSWIRE - Aug 16, 2018) - Cloudways , the industry-leading managed cloud hosting platform, has unveiled its redesigned look, along with a new Startup Program, enhanced Staging, and a new Let's Encrypt Wildcard SSL certificate feature.

The redesigned Cloudways offers a fresh look to the brand . Keeping the key value propositions in view, the company recrafted a design that resonates more with the all the audience who wish to stay focused on what they do best, and experience more wins for their businesses.

Prioritizing popular customer demand, the company also enhanced its Staging Environment and introduced a new Let's Encrypt Wildcard SSL certificate feature. Simultaneously, paying special attention to the requirements of the emerging startup communities, the company launched a Startup Program.

The co-founder of Cloudways, Aaqib Gadit said, "As Cloudways is growing rapidly, we continue to improve and innovate our Platform, making it more Simple and Powerful. Moreover, we are scaling our teams and improving processes to ensure better User Experience and 24x7 Expert Support at scale."

With a fresh perspective on the brand and guided by customer feedback, Cloudways rolled out:

  • Website, Blog, and Platform : Inspired by the brand concept and expert opinion, Cloudways redesigned the brand's look and feel.
  • Startup Program : Based on their experience of being bootstrapped and working with the startup communities and customers, Cloudways launched a program that helps startups through the growth stage and beyond by providing managed hosting, a mix of tools and mentorship.
  • Staging Environment : The improved Staging Environment, a direct result of customer feedback, allows users to test and improve their applications and websites without affecting the live version.
  • Let's Encrypt Wildcard SSL : Cloudways introduced Let's Encrypt Wildcard SSL certificates to fulfill the requirements of securing multiple subdomains with a single SSL certificate.

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About Cloudways :

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that provides choice, simplicity and performance, empowering customers to win as an individual and succeed as a business. Founded in 2011, Cloudways enables teams to build, deploy, scale & manage phenomenal web applications (primarily based on WordPress, Magento and PHP). We allow customers to stay focused on what they do best on the back of our caring expert support, best-of-breed cloud providers and 50+ global data centers.

For more information, visit or follow @cloudways .