Strongly agree. Thank you Mods for taking the trash out. In accordance with the guidance you gave me previously I did not engage the basher over this personal attack. What such a thing proves to me is just how desperate some bashers and their GRU paymaster have become. In an odd way, I see this as a compliment. They know SFOR IP will remove a very valuable item, the keylogger, from their bag of hacking tricks. They are frantic about this and will try anything to prevent it IMHO. All I can say is that they are failing in their last gasp efforts to do so. "The US Federal Government is replacing all Kapersky Lab products that it previously used, following a September 2017 Department of Homeland Security ban ordering all state agencies and departments to stop using them over their potential threat to internal cybersecurity" Source:McAfee PR dated 5/32/2018. Too bad Putin!