Good points Junebug. The grow cycle for marijuana is typically around 120 days to reach maturity, so my estimate could not be that far off based on the tweet from AGRiMED's head grower. Remember, he had a picture of plants (we do not know for certain if they were AGRiMED's plants but one would hope so), and he said the plants were healthy and growing well at that time. BTW, he said plants and not seeds, so they already had a head start as of that time. So I suspect you are right, they did harvest and they must have begun processing because one cannot wait forever once the plants are mature.
It does make sense that this announcement from UNVC would be in regard to a product or products introduced to the marketplace. However, it also makes sense that Dalton would want to be current before moving forward on marketing. You do not want to be a non-reporting company if you are introducing a new product --- customers would frown on that type of thing, and one would not be likely to get as many customers. So I suspect we will get a lot of news fairly rapidly.
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