Disagree "There is definitely something within that offer that must greatly benefit SFOR". You'll recall Microsoft acquired PhoneFactor which was being "sued by the patent owner (SFOR)". MSFT had the hubris to ignore that fact and wound up in a $9.7 Million settlement with SFOR. Cisco might be of the same stupid mindset, thinking they can steam roll a small cap in court. Big mistake on their part! What will cause the sea change in the mindset of heavy hitters like Cisco is the overturning of the 9th CA judge's decision by R&G. Once the big boys see SA crucified with treble damages, they will not dare to challenge the validity or applicability of SFOR's IP again. Until the oral arguements are over and the ruling of the 3 judges is final, big boys like Cisco, still wrongly think they stand a chance of winning IMHO.