another deleted post I may have to resize the i
Post# of 1012
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the writing on the wall(remember Daniel 5) and the answer to the vitriol is the stated purpose on Zions website to bless Israel,based on the word.
Both of Zions purposes are anathema to the world (cursed by the world)and those controlled by the god of this world,to the upside down world a double negative.
A turnaround has started but many even in what has been an almost totally dead church silenced since 1954 by the johnson amendment have not noticed -the turnaround will gain speed-without such turn around/judgment it is true that things have increasingly looked since 1954 like we are heading directly into the tribulation,for it is the adversaries illegal purpose to bring the trib to the saints,aided by the initial apathy/laziness of the population.
E.g., when i was sent to the church(several decades ago beginning on a july 4th- usa independence day-the only country to have made a covenant)and to the legal system (beginning on the day israels independence was celebrated in 1994),although in my nationwide search i opened many peoples eyes,including many lawyers, to what was going on,not 1 person in the entire church(despite many leaders prophecies over me) or the legal or political systems would come into Mt 18:19 agreement with me for the deliverance of either,and now those systems and the people are reaping the result of what they have sown,including judgment,but the battle is beginning to be joined,which is the reason why the swamp is so noisy now.