If you think about it, nobody really knows the
Post# of 63704
If you think about it, nobody really knows the true potential IDVV has. Invented for the Canadian venture into casual cannabis use, to provide Plants in all kinds of weather at a fast pace. It will end up with so many other uses that the company goal of manufacturing 100 units per month will just not be enough to fill the demand. Canada has a population of approximately 37,000,000 people and that is a drop in the bucket when you realize California has about the same population. The world will be their market place. Because it is a self sufficient unit that generates its own electric it can be used to grow any type of vegetation any where on earth. Places that were dependent on importing vegetables can now grow their own produce and save huge amounts of both time and money.If you have the time and money this is a company I would buy their stock and hold for ever and watch it continue to grow. In the future I see this being as big or bigger then Amazon.