Compared to last year´s 2 nd quarter, 2018 saw improvements in several operational indicators of AS Tallinna Vesi. Consistently high standards were achieved regarding the parameters reflecting the quality of both drinking water and treated effluent as well as customer service.    

Reliable water service

The quality of drinking water remained excellent in the 2 nd quarter of 2018. Water samples taken from customers’ taps were 100% compliant with all requirements. The professionalism of specialists managing the treatment process at Ülemiste Water Treatment Plant, as well as renewal and maintenance of water network, are instrumental in supplying high quality water to our customers. We are also pleased to see that the average water disruption time to individual properties remained at a good level, being 3 hours 17 minutes in the 2 nd quarter of 2018.

We continue to make targeted capital investments to ensure the continued reliability of the infrastructure. In the 2 nd quarter of 2018, we finished reconstruction works of the water pipes and sewers on Tondi street and continued with the works on Gonsiori street in collaboration with the City of Tallinn.

The level of leakages in the water networks continues to be low. Water losses at 13.00% showed a slight increase in the 2 nd quarter of 2018 compared to 12.94% for the same period prvious year. This is still an excellent result.

High service standards

Besides outstanding operational performance, the Company has set itself high standards to provide first-class customer service. We have set clear and challenging targets, and give promises to our customers, in terms of the speed of our response and problem-solving. In the 2nd quarter we reviewed our promises to customers. Our promises are to deliver high-quality water, keep the environment safe, respond to our customers´ requests quickly, be accurate in billing and keep to our agreements. Should we fail to keep those promises, we proactively pay compensation to the customer.

In the first six months of 2018, we failed to keep our promises to 31 customers in total. In one case we were not able to open the water after emergency works at the time we had promised.  

A research agency Kantar Emor conducts regular customer satisfaction surveys for AS Tallinna Vesi. In the 2 nd quarter, the customer satisfaction index reached 4.1 points on a 5-point scale, which is once again an excellent result.    

We care for the environment

The issues with the sewerage network have reduced, and the number of sewer blockages dropped 25% from 393 in the first six months of 2017 to 295 in 2018. AS Tallinna Vesi continues to improve public awareness about sewer-related issues to reduce the volume of domestic waste ending up in the sewerage network.

In the 2 nd quarter of 2018, the treated effluent at Paljassaare Wastewater Treatment Plant was compliant with all stipulated quality requirements. With the purpose to assess the treatment efficiency and the quality of wastewater, we monitor pollutants in both the incoming wastewater and treated effluent. Wastewater laboratory analyses the samples taken from different stages of the wastewater treatment process, and the information received thereby allows us to further improve the treatment efficiency and effluent quality.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Indicator Unit 2018 6 months 2017 6 months 2018 Q2 2017 Q2
Drinking water          
Compliance of water quality at the customers’ tap % 99,93% 99,93% 100,00% 99,87%
Losses in the water distribution network % 14,09% 13,33% 13,00% 12,94%
Average duration of water interruptions per property h 3,28 3,25 3,58 3,42
Sewer blockages No 295 393 139 198
Sewer bursts No 50 72 25 33
Wastewater treatment compliance with environmental standards % 100,0% 100,0% 100,00% 100,00%
Customer Service          
Written complaints No 69 17 48 8
Customer contacts regarding water quality No 101 70 87 46
Customer contacts regarding water pressure No 183 146 146 108
Customer contacts regarding blockages and storm water runoff No 516 539 266 270
Responding written customer contacts within at least 2 work days % 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 99,97%
Failed promises No 31 3 28 0
Notification of unplanned water interruptions at least 1 h before the interruption % 94,4% 100,00% 92,50% 100,00%

Eliis Vennik Head of Communications Tallinna Vesi (+372) 626 2275