Sox: The post I am responding to is filled with inaccuracies here is one example that has been pointed out to you several times yet you continue to post a 2009 PR claiming it is news. It was news in 2009 but is embarassing in 2018. Naked shorting needs to be eliminated. It is hard to phathom why you don't want that to happen when it is and has hurt our investment.. You seem to want to put all the blame for dilution on Leo and Aspire and while Aspire could be naked shorting from offshore they did sign an agreement saying they would not hedge their investment. Hopefully when we are trading at fair value on NASDAQ Leo will have a forensic auditor examine the records and the shorter will be identified and prosecuted whomever it may be.
"Action by SEC
2018 - SEC makes rule on 'naked' short-selling permanent"
Trying to denigrate my posts is costing you credibility IMO.
Go IPIX!!!