An excerpt from fridays blog, "the ongoing "on-boarding" of approximately thirty titles PER DAY to the data-bank for the MYFLIX streaming site... ranging from Major Studio theatrical hits, to specialty independent films in a wide range of genres: Action, Adventure, Animation, Christian, Classics Comedy, Drama, Family, Foreign, Full Contact Sports, Horror, Manga, Science-Fiction and Television Episodics to name a few! -".
Looks like HHSE's MyFlix will have a wide range of movies to choose from. Very excited about the launch of Myflix. I believe they mentioned 2500 to 3000 titles on the site for the initial launch and will expand from there. I also recall them mentioning that MyFlix will only be second to Amazon prime in terms of the amount of content they have. I think its 30 plus suppliers they have lined up for Myflix at this point.