From my was because of the financial crisis that we got Dodd/Frank...& it not only punished/regulated the "too big to fail" banking systems that actually caused said was the small ones that suffered a major burden from that legislation. Shoot...we bailed out the big ones & let the small ones go by the wayside. My brother was a VP/small biz loans at the time...the owners had 9 small, rural, community banks & had to sell 7 or 8 of them. He worked for the new bank & retired a couple of yrs later. He says the money just wasn't there for the small businesses like it used to be...not smart enough to know all the reasons...but D/F was definitely a major his opinion & mine. Things seem to be much better in his community now, according to his non-retired business buddies. I'm sure SB will find some capital at a fair rate when the time comes.