It’s a simple equation gang! The court will need to overturn the California ruling. I personally believe after reading the documents we should get a favorable ruling. If that is the case understand what you own! The patent is worth more than we know. The business will fall in line and so will the money. An offer to buy out this company will exist and it will be strong in valuation! Nobody at this stage should expect our advertisaries to give up. That being said our adversaries are out gunned and SFOR will prevail and it is less than 40 million dollar company. Our adversaries went too far and treble damages should be in hand and continued revenue streams. The California Judge, may have helped with the damages. Gift? We will see as our adversaries have a poor and more importantly a incorrect argument that wasted the court and our hard earn Tax dollars as taxpayers! We are in federal court to overturn an idiotic and in my opinion ironic argument in a specific place and time. Simply said there is a reason for the current outcome and we all own the stock in prenatal stages of time. Our time will come and it will be a hell of a ride! Significant eyes are on this company and as I said before MSFT was at 10 cents. Cyber risk it at all time highs and growing! The smell of napalm in the air and we haven’t even started!