Hey Hobo(douchebag)Willy, I noticed on lieshlub you're still going strong!
Still think you are the only one that knows anything about the stock market huh? Still trying to "save" the rest of mankind from themselves? Because YOU and ONLY you, are smart enough to play the pennies? Still living in your momma's basement? You must be, the fact that you are on here ALL day EVERY day proves beyond a doubt that you sure as hell don't have a job. Guess what dimwit, there is absolutely no doubt in MY mind, that there are those involved in pennies that have been doing great LONG before YOU were even born, yet, you feel somehow qualified to constantly and consistently shoot off your dick-sucker like "you da' man". No one is dumping their shares now. Those days are gone and the longs aren't going anywhere. The sooner you understand that, (and the fact that you're a fool), the better you'll sleep at night
Have a good one!