PA-leeez, that war on ihub is long over and lost. you can defend it all day and they will just clutter up the board more with disinformation. We know they don't care about facts, their job is to CLUTTER and leave doubt to newbies and everyone else. As long as company is silent, you are fighting a futile battle. nothing is working. we are heading back down to the abyss once more. louden Owen blocks peeps on Twitter, Darryl Green has morphed into stuart smalley with his daily affirmations and management and T/A are gagged. So far, it's looking like they know what they're talking about. There's no REWARD for being a loyal long in this game. simply should have listened to them and sold after phone release and bought back in when something has happened, which in ANDI's case, is probably in the late fall. even chasing you'd be better off then holding this toilet flush.
bagholder mike