$PSGR Looks like Pershing Resources has slipped th
Post# of 1517
Investors are surely anticipating great things from the newly combined New Enema/Mohave-Standard (snerk) ALMOST FIVE SQUARE MILES of mining claims. There's something in them there hills and y'know Pershing Resources may find a way to drag out the stock sales until 'something' better is found at another location. Oh yeah, what happened to the MARCO PROJECT in Nevada that had such (snort---giggle) potential? I don't remember if it was (cough-cough---snicker) ALMOST FIVE SQUARE MILES of Claims but it was pretty darn big! At least bigger than a loaf of bread and it had company assays that indicated there was GOLD and other Precious Metals in quantities that justified....uh....ummmmm…..well...ah....ummmm MAY have indicated that something was possibly in the ground BUT the Arizona properties would be much better for Pershing Resources to ummmmmmm….ahhhhh...uhhh...let's see....WAIT!!!! There may be yet another Press Release sometime in the future that explains why Nevada was dumped for the mountains of Arizona. Maybe it had something to do with the (OH WOW...I am on the floor!!!) MILL and the Newest and Best Technology for recovering the precious metals at the Pershing Resources Mill with the Whamma Jamma Technology Precious Metals Recovery Equipment!!!
DARN IT!! I have lost my focus and wandered a bit off topic. I may be absorbing some of the 'PSGR VIRUS'....a possible Medical Condition that infects an individual and allows an individual to say things or enter words that have little or no connection. Sorta like Pershing Resources and PRECIOUS METALS RECOVERY & SALE...PROFITABILITY...CURRENT & ACCURATE INFORMATION...Y'know, any type of associations that indicate real actions and results.