Foresight 4 VCT PLC : Final Issue of Equity and Ne
Post# of 301275
F4 Offer for Subscription - Final issue of equity and New Offer
The Board of Foresight 4 VCT plc announce that in accordance with the terms of the Offer for Subscription dated 19 May 2017 (the "Offer"), 3,466,928 Ordinary Shares of 1p each in Foresight 4 VCT plc were allotted on 18 May 2018. In accordance with the allotment formula set out in the prospectus for the Offer, the 3,466,928 Ordinary Shares have been issued at prices of between 69.4p and 75.3p per Ordinary Share, depending on the adviser charge (if applicable) and the number of shares issued (after taking roundings into account) pertaining to each application.
Application has been made for the admission of the 3,466,928 Ordinary Shares of 1p each in Foresight 4 VCT plc to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and to trading on London Stock Exchange plc's market for listed securities.
In total the Company has allotted 40,122,174 Ordinary Shares under the Offer and raised £28,839,735.
Following this allotment there are now 135,118,304 Ordinary Shares of 1p each in issue.
F4 announces today that the Offer is now closed and the Receiving Agent have processed the applications received before today's deadline in the above allotment.
The F4 Board is pleased to announce that it intends to make available an additional offer for subscription to raise up to £50 million (with an over-allotment facility to raise up to a further £30 million) through the issue of new shares ("New F4 Offer "). This will provide shareholders and new investors with a further opportunity to invest in F4 and benefit from the tax reliefs available to qualifying investors.
The prospectus, which will contain the full details and terms and conditions of the New F4 Offer, is expected to be available in early June.
For further information, please contact:
Company Secretary
Foresight Group LLP
Gary Fraser Tel: 0203 667 8100