Post# of 301275

MIAMI,FL-, May 16, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Health Foundation of South Florida’s Board of Directors recently approved $458,824 for grants within its Behavioral Health and Healthy Eating Active Communities priority areas as well one for its Live Healthy Community Partnerships Initiative. The grants, which range from $43,706 to $143,118, were awarded to five nonprofit health-related organizations in Broward and Miami-Dade Counties.
According to Health Foundation of South Florida Chairwoman Thao M.P. Tran, M.D., M.P.H., “Supporting the essential efforts of nonprofits that are working to improve the health of South Florida communities, with a focus on vulnerable, low to moderate-income populations, is at the core of our mission.” She added, “We are proud to work with grantees who share our focus on enabling communities to be more resilient, sustainable and equitable places to live.”
In Miami-Dade County , Alliance for a Healthier Generation received $143,118 as part of Health Foundation’s Live Healthy Community Partnerships initiative. The funds go toward implementing Healthy Eating Physical Activity (HEPA) standards in at least 20 out-of-school-sites in Miami Gardens for a Live Healthy Miami Gardens “Healthy Out of School Time” program. Kristi House Inc. received $43,706 to increase its clinical staff’s capacity to implement a trauma-informed, evidence-based model to address physical abuse of children. In addition, Miami-Dade County received $115, 000 for its Complete Streets Collaborative. The funds support the advancement and adoption of Complete Streets guidelines, which are designed to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders at a minimum of 17 out of 34 municipalities in the County
In Broward County, a $57,000 grant was awarded to Sunshine Social Services (dba SunServe) , to obtain accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities for behavioral health services provided to LGBTQ residents within the County.
A grant supporting a program in both Miami-Dade and Broward Counties was awarded to the U.S. Soccer Federation Foundation. They received $100,000 for Soccer for Success , an after-school soccer program to help youth establish healthy habits and develop critical life skills. The grant supports the expansion of programming to reach over 1,300 youth living in underserved areas over the next two years.
Health Foundation of South Florida, the largest philanthropy dedicated to improving health in Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties since 1993, awards grants on an on-going basis. For information, visit or call 305.374.7200. The mission of Health Foundation of South Florida is to invest in and be a catalyst for collaborations, policy and systems change that improves the health of South Florida communities, with a focus on vulnerable, low to moderate-income populations. Established in 1993, the nonprofit foundation has awarded over $125 million to nonprofits providing programs and services in Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties. For more information, visit or call 305.374.7200
Shari Gantman Health Foundation of South Florida 305-374-9199