Here's a pic of the booth. Two demos going on and a discussion with someone else. We constantly saw people at the booth. As I understand even the Oracle Execs were there...redspeed would know. There were more than 120 sponsors and exhibitors here this week..... now hold that thought, it's very important and don't forget these were companies. Dennis did more than two dozen demos in just one day. Denise and Kristin were working their butts off, doing demos AND shooting videos with Mitch, my wife and I know and saw this. Dennis had a horse and raspy voice, and when we saw Denise before leaving.... whaddaya know, her voice was the same way. I dunno.... last time I checked 2+2=4....we spent an hour or so in the video production room. Watched business clients shooting videos and talked to Mitch.... they have been swamped. Mitch told me they have been doing videos all day, that was yesterday. It's a good thing, Oracle, Marketo, and the other 4 latest revenue sharing deals will be selling and producing for their own clients. And this doesn't take into account the work done by Rory and Jeff.