Probability; WHY BET ON HEMP/ MMJ QBL ? When we ha
Post# of 7619

They can be right or wrong, sometimes a bit of both. As I see it; when we invest outside our comfortzone (as in a new market, another country etc) it takes more courage, since it`s (feels like) a bigger challenge.
It`s new, so one have to figure it out; is it worth the risk ? The funny thing is, when we try to play it safe - we don`t use our potential to see a opportunity. Do you feel me ?
I`ve spend many hours of research on QBL, talking with management and friends in Australia - and sure, there is risks. Though they are not to big, in my eyes. When all things are said and done, it`s a clear buy signal.
Some have written angry comments, personal attacks on me how I can I promote a mining stock, with MMJ and hemp... ! Well, it`s not difficult as I see it; it`s a mining company with extra value threw it`s subsidiary, who have 55% intrest in Medical Cannabis Ltd.
This 55% means they are majority shareholder and sits in the front seat. They will gain on this, whatever happens with MCL in the future.
It might be sold, (QBL get paid, sharevalue rise) it might continue as it is; QBLs subsidiary will generate value threw sales and growth.
The mining part is as exciting to me, as the hemp and MMJ. There is revenue coming from hemp today, MMJ will be on within 2-3 months and mining to start at the end of the year. Risks; the stock will fly under the radar and want get the attention it deserves.
However, with the listing of Cannatab on the CSE, I reckon the sector has paid attention. Further, they had a buyout attemp and turned it down - I think the market has noticed it as well.
Finally, they have engaged a company to help them with selling in the hemp and MMJ products, so they are not alone. When we see they have got the hemp to Coles, it looks good. The MMJ are the next thing; here they will get help from Mr Easterling on the board.
The mining ? No worries - Mrs Feldman has a long and fruitfull experience; she was the first female who where a mining CEO and came to the ASX! She has done deals with the big boys (Rio Tinto, Kinross and so on) QBL will make a heap of cash on bauxite, especially now since it`s 7-year record high price.
No guts, no glory.
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