Us married folks are all in the same boat..... unbridled enthusiasm that we may share with our spouses on this phenomenal life changing opportunity with Strikeforce....Yeah soon we will all be in the same Luxury Cruise liner!!!! Some of us..... including me, see the potential of this company, would contribute much more financially if a spouses did not pull back on the rein.....i.e sell your car, your house, the shirt off your back...... I'm just being facetious... Balancing one's finances and Investments is a delicate game.... Strikeforce's potential game changing future is incredible !!! IMHO..... Some of us including me .... look at this as a game of chess with their finances. Just how much more can I invest? I know you are a very smart individual.... I'm just sounding off my own sentiments... Hopefully never jeopardize your own Current financial scenario, keeping wife and family happy and secure. There is also the Pre ICO/ ICO to look forward to..... another investment strategy to contemplate on, you may be well aware of.... Yeah we'll be all in that same Super Cruise liner or your yacht!! GO SFOR!!