Or, after 8 years of Bobama, Republicans were so distraught, they elected a president that is actually worse. A bigoted mind is a closed mind. The leader lies more than any teenager, so, what are the followers to do but lie too. What has he accomplished? Please don't say the economy which actually had better metrics under Bobama. And, Trump disagreed with the tax plan - so, how does he get credit for that. He has spent a lot of money. He has made a lot of money by using his properties for government business. He has pushed to have needed regulations eliminated - especially those supported by Bobama. He and clown Pruitt have made a mess of the EPA - which might be felt for decades. In summary, he hasn't done anything substantially positive. We should have known. He didn't run on any platforms unless "we'll be the best ever" is now a platform. And, I'm going to unObama everything is not a platform.