AMENDED Hi redspeed thanks, that link seems to be the latest and greatest total list of sponsor attendees. The Suiteworld Website is not yet updated, link below. I have a pm into Rory trying to find out exactly what their Sponsorship classification is. Concentrus is an "Exhibitor", it's a 10x10 booth with very limited perks. I suggested few weeks back to consider upgrading to Silver or Gold, cost was not too much, when compared to the benefits, extra electrical drop, more space, better location, and opportunity to do a short presentation on the expo stage, among many other add'l perks. Anyone curious can click 'view sponorship prospectus ' on that page. They may have since their booth 216 and concentrus 739. Threw a few other suggestions to him last month having done booths and presentations at the NAIAS. By the way, anyone have suggestions for target market, email or pm Rory. Many of us have going back to last year, to find later, he's on it. We're all co-owners, that's what he calls us. Hold tight don't be shaken outta shares, we have some great days ahead.
Note.... double checked and that list is all sponsors, including all classifications, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Exhibitor, etc. Ultimately not that big of a deal, they are there, we have a big deal, we're center stage with the 'Oracle' so to speak, and they have their own booth.