For the record, I was never "pumping". I was putti
Post# of 15624

I still own all my shares and even added some last week. I admit I REGRET not selling at $2.50 - $3.23 13 months ago... But I was definitely more of an ameture with biotech and cannabis stocks and PUMPERS (some of which are on this board) kept telling me privately and publicly that they've seen it a dozen times... "OWC will rise to $8.00 by Spring and maybe $20 by End of Year."
I was gullible and not thinking in terms of market cap reality. Shame on me. It was a lesson learned.
But, again, I still own all my shares and will continue to hold. I still have confidence -- especially because of the new management that came on in June/July and now the latest CSO announcement.
The "stock" may be a POS because it never should have run over even $1.00 last year. CNBX and AXIM are still very over valued in my opinion. That's life in the OTC. Now I'm seeing a "Software company" being pumped like crazy in the same fashion.
If you want an example of a pumper -- that software company is a great example. "This stock (currently at $1.54 and "worth" $222M) can easily rise to $21 like $XXXX did." ... "This stock will not go back down, unlike OWCP."
Pumpers don't take facts into consideration. They make up their own or they focus on things that can help mislead and build up significant hype. They ignore realistic responses like, "But the share structure is quite different, don't you think that's why $XXXX went to $21?"