It's called the OTC world. As investors go, the OTC is full of shitty companies and pump and dump scams. While I'm convinced ONCI is yet one, I did sell half of my shares a few months ago when it tanked because the CEO wasn't being honest with us. I've lost faith in this CEO and he hasn't shown at all anything that convinces me that he's doing what he can to fix the situation. As much as some people here keep trying to sell the idea that this is the next tech giant, I am no longer convinced that this will go anywhere in the near future. Now that doesn't mean eventually this might in the distant future take off, but I'm not holding my breath.
With all that, I still own shares in ONCI and I hope it works out for everyone's sake here, but Steve is going to need to do some major leaps and bounds to show that he gives a dam about those who have invested hard earned cash into his company. Otherwise, it's going to always look like another pump and dump scheme and we've been duped.