Trading Summary - March 16. Again a satisfacto
Post# of 4945

Again a satisfactory status quo day for $DIGX whilst the other major traders in the OTC off-bottom market that I monitor closely and network with were busy elsewhere on 2 of my long term picks - one peaking at .0009 from .0001 only last week and the other being reloaded at .0002 as the impatient sold for a loss.
In due course, profits from those two will be applied to the $DIGX ask - which remains my #1 Pick of 2018 for repeat runs - when attention is concentrated towards it as it is much easier to move with an extremely thin share structure, no dilution whatsoever, many fewer current big holders, and only one basher with a comparatively small ask attempting to manipulate it with an amount at .0005 only a quarter of that taken out in a few seconds on both the others that were moved up this week.
No change on $DIGX today - same ask under 10M - probably all from the main moronic basher - and no paint downs at .0003 attempted.
The multiple whale longs kept the bid in the usual 50M > 60M range throughout the day - a more than adequate amount to keep the bashers boxed out from reloading at .0003 (they were kept out of the .0002s totally at year-end) if they "waste" their limited amount of shares in what will ultimately be failed hold back attempts at .0004 and .0005.
.0005 remains the entry price for anyone wanting to guarantee getting any serious amount in the 25M>50M range before it gets run up by new interest.
As the long-term followers - including at least 5 whales - control the majority of shares bought at .0003/4/5 - and they are not looking to sell anytime soon for less than the market cap - we can expect the "basher" wall to get taken out at some point.
Watch out for any PR making the excellent performance in the 2017 Annual Report known to the wider investor / trading community.
Beyond that, the PR for the 2018 Q1 Results can be expected by around May 16, 2018 based on the 2017 schedule.
As always, anything could happen at anytime. So stay sharp if you don't already have all the shares you need to make your profit expectations on multiple runs up to end-2018 and beyond.
Prior warning and / or scanner alerts of any significant buys starting a run up will not be given on iHub but they will be alerted here immediately.
Content below the line unchanged from the last update - relevant to those that are new here.
The following items have not been PR'ed yet:
- Excellent 2017 Annual Report results - $1.98M Gross Revenue / $234K Net Profit.
- Further acquisition plans for brand growth.
- Shares retired in 2017 (425M known to followers here but not PR'ed yet).
The 2017 results speak for themselves and - when we see them PR'ed to the wider investing community in due course - we may see serious additional new interest due to the low O/S and relatively high positive revenue for a stock in this price range - just as happened for the 2016 Q4 and the 2017 Q1 and Q2.
The long-term whales who trade $DIGX will continue to buy shares at any price that makes sense to them to use on multiple runs throughout 2018. It is already known from posted comments and observation that at least 4 of the main whales bought shares - on the bid and on the ask - from the impatient at the end of 2017.
As predicted, at least 4 x whales who trade $DIGX continuously throughout each year were happy to take around 100M at .0003 when a few impatient people decided to trade for a loss at .0003 on December 14.
As predicted in October 2017, $DIGX was not allowed to go to the 2016 year-end low of .0002 ask at end-2017.
As predicted, the 50M+ .0004s were bought out in just 2 individual seconds and the same is likely to happen with the some point - setting off a run towards .0010 - just like happened in 2017 on a number of occasions.
Any shares bought at .0004 should be worth an easy 150%+ profit on any of numerous runs likely to happen through to Q4. Shares bought at .0005 should easily return 100%+ at some point in 2018.
The big boys in DIGX now probably already have an inventory of 50M>200M each for trading throughout 2018.
Ludicrous claims by the notorious bashers on iHub - "RFB", "munimi", "surfkast:, "Crown Capital" and "Homebrew" - are clearly seen as such by all serious traders and now even by most iHubbers.
Money is not considered "dead" by the most successful traders in the OTC market when they know it will provide a significant return further down the line because they are in a position to understand and influence - through keen observation and record keeping - what volume of shares is likely to be made available for purchase at any particular level.

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All posts are my opinion - trade at your own risk.