My thoughts on the list. Harry is a naive fli
Post# of 40991
Harry is a naive flipper who I took to task for rubbing it in while ONCI posters were down. When he started with the BTL JKIR mantra, he just made himself look foolish. He also always has 28M shares. hmmmm. He did get his butt handed to him in VICT. Bragging about being in with 28M shares at $.002 avg and it was going to $.25. A week later it was suspended and when it reopened, it retreated to $.0001 and he is saying he is golden. His "long & strong" don't fit because he is a kitty cat.
BBW does not belong on the list. He did not do much bashing. He usually shorts tickers when he thinks they are trading too high. I guess we can agree he was right. Not sure whether some of the basher bots were supporting him or not. There are indications that he was a "note holder". If he was, he has a ton of shares and might help propel the ONCI PPS.
xmancometh is missing.
Brianjad is missing.
I might be missing others