Motley Fool Scams Tucows Investors
Post# of 48
Motley Fool has a stake in Tucows. It has paid "writers" who pump up the herd to boost its stake and then sells. It tries to discredit any notion that this stock is overvalued. Recently Motley Fool sent out one of its paid shills which did not mention the facts in the Cooperfield investor report. A lot of the report just mentions facts which Motley Fool seems to discredit.
1. Tucows knew about the loss of the domain accounts from its purchase. Yet, Tucows never disclosed this to the public which in result has led to two potential class action lawsuits against the company. Considering that the company has only $17 million in cash they will need to tap into their credit line to settle these charges against it.
2. Insider selling. The insiders have been selling in droves and have not bought any stock material in the open market. Motley Fool fails to mention this. They only decide to mention that Tucows is offering a buyback with money that they don't have. Considering that they would need to tap into their credit markets to buy $40 million dollars worth of stock means either TCX is full of it or they have credited a fake bottom.
3. Motley Fool has not disclosed its relationship with Tucows. Are they paid shills that they have marched to Tucows aid over the years? Why would Motley Fool have insider information that isn't open to the investing community. Something isn't right with this and people should contact the SEC regarding this: