$DATI Accelerators have been around for years. Rising up as a product of the dotcom era, accelerators seem to be reinventing themselves as companies struggle to find capital in a regulated burdened OTC market. It is nearly impossible to raise money in the current OTC market space, especially when most of the money raised goes into SEC compliance instead of technology. Accelerators typically focus on different market segments like hardware development, biotech, space, nano-tech, and artificial intelligence. A typical accelerator would facilitate the seed capital needed to get an idea off the ground in exchange for equity. The accelerator would also provide mentoring and assistance to keep the project moving in the right direction. The concept is that an idea has to result in commercial viability in order to get additional funding from Venture Capital. This sounds a lot like what an angel investor does with one key difference and that is the project has a hard milestone culminating in a pitch for additional funding or the project dies. The next evolution of the accelerators is a Public Accelerator-Incubator (PAI).