Well here is what i can tell you from talking with Veal on Saturday for 33 min to be exact. Adamson has had a 20 plus year relationship with one of the co-founders of spotcoin. They are like brothers according to Veal. The guy is brillant and he has a partner who is Russian and they have a team of programmers working with HJOE and building the infastructure for things that Veal said, i just cannot give up yet. But, i believe they are moving ahead on multi-levels they have not share with us yet. As Veal said on the phone this company has people with millions of dollars in shorts and we're going to burn their house down in ways they don't understand, and they cannot stop it even if they tried in this platform. They are living in the past, they are not even close to up to speed on what is taking place. Those days are over and we are moving into a totally different era and time and technology. They don't get nor possess or even have the resources nor ways to gain access to this. Our time is coming, and the blockchain will allow us to sell our products worldwide, he stated products as in traditional and non traditional. I think it's a good idea to follow spotcoin online via FB and twitter for updates on what they are doing. He told me the co-founder just had the top brass in from Bitcoin and a few other currency last weekend and they discuss HJOE as it will be use as a way to test new things. This is all i know and thought i would update the board.