$PTOP 28 Days ago, all time High .067 / $PTOP , as
Post# of 194
Look at the chart,,,,often goes up very quickly, like it just dropped quickly. Usually UP FASTER the then 28 day drop.
Again, pull up a chart
1000% Gain back to .061.
Knowing $PTOP has potential to go back to .067 in 28 days, or being conservative 56 days, would be well worth 1000% Gain
Back to .067 would be the second crack in the ceiling,,,, Second time might brake above for even greater return.
After Financials are released, there should be several PR's coming shortly after,
NRA Deal for one should come soon.
Closing on 1 maybe 2 previously announced LOI
Roll out of several other Mobi ?? services.
Mobicoin still doing well but well off its High, but better then just 28 days ago
This is a Buying Opportunity,,,whether we like it or not.
Buy Low, Sell High, Be Happy