It's easy. There are very specific rules of civil procedure and local court rules that dictate exactly how many days a given party has to file certain motions or appeals. I am not going to take the time to look them up, but I would estimate the applicable time frame in the SA appeal scenario is certainly no less than 30 days. Probably 60. And if you think R&G is not going to take every last day to prepare their appeal, you're crazy. This is sink or swim for SFOR's tech. No two ways about it. I'm not trying to be an alarmist; just a realist. If they lose the SA appeal, this company never gets past a nickel. But if they win, we are literally sitting on a life-changing gold mine. We should all want R&G to take every last minute they have before filing anything, to make sure they BURY SecureAuth under the cold hard ground. I'm talking scorched-earth policy, so any and all current and future infringing defendants will be lining up and begging to settle with SFOR. No quarter!
That's my way of agreeing with you...Courts take time. We should all stay calm and let R&G do their job.