Post# of 27041
natural cycles have a way of reversing earth temperature-varied sources including alan alda's moderation of a show w climate scientists saying the present situation is following a course which historically led to another ice age due to reversal of the warm atlantic current (which keeps northern europe including britian and iceland liveable) due to past greenland ice melting and stopping such current
search for the perfect storm book which says the same thing despite a new age back ground
ice cores from greenland show 25 such natural temp cycles w high point temps higher than we have now
read astro-physicist Hugh Ross's book Improbable planet -- during the ordiovician silurian transition CO2 dropped from seven thousand! ppm to 4500 ppm; sea level dropped from 720 feet above present level to 590 feet above.
in subsequent eras co continued to drop - the lowest ever co ppm was ca 280 ca 1800 A.D. when n europe had a mini ice age
climate alarmists ignore that history and only focus on the co2 rise since 1800 A.D. todays co2 ppm of ca 335 in comparison to the lowest ever of ca 280
there are many problems w that-there are dozens of natural modifiers of earths temp and co levels-including destruction of the forests which use up and convert co2
the lower the co2 in the air the more inefficient photosynthesis-much lower than 280 ppm co2 and photosynthesis necessary to support all life stops
each interglacial period has a spiking temp of ca 5-7 degrees F,followed immediately by rapid and extreme temp decline
there are dozens of things which influence temp which alarmists are ignoring bc of their political purposes