Strongly agree "perseverance and a strong positive attitude in the face of adversity." That adversity we SHs have endured has been a great teacher. Just go back through the posts and see the wealth of DD and info we have share with one another. This has helped maintain my morale. Also, this storm has only served to make SFOR stronger. While under this pressure, Ram continued with continuous product improvement, as evidenced by our new anti-hooking capability. Mark has been quietly, competently, working the deals that he will begin to reveal in the "Jan/Feb" timeframe. This pressure has served to turn what bashers regard as a lump of coal into a diamond IMHO. Our gem will sparkle once the 1Q18 sees the light of day in mid-May. Remember what Harrison Ford once said, "Them that stick it out are them that win!' I Remain Long & Strong SFOR.