I posted this over at Mako's vehicle of choice, as
Post# of 72440
The Brilacidin-OM (oral mucositis) results that were just released actually were spectacular, but many people do not understand this because of a strange result in the placebo arm.
In the other studies and clinical trials for oral mucositis drugs, the incidence of OM is about 75% to 100% in head and neck cancer patients who receive radiation and/or chemotherapy.
Yet in this study, the oral mucositis rate in the control group was only 60%. This is a huge outlier from all the other research on this condition.
Patients in the Brilacidin arm of the study developed OM 36.8% of the time.
If the usual rate of OM development is in fact 75% -- at the low end of all the other studies' results -- this means that Brilacidin cut the incidence of severe oral mucositis BY HALF.
The 60% placebo rate in this study seems to be an error or a fluke.
If your doctor said "You can swish this rinse 3 times a day, and your risk of a horribly painful and debilitating condition will drop by half," -- would you use the Brilacidin-OM rinse?
Me too.