The FBI is not 'weaponized'. All that you're doing
Post# of 65629
Trump is as unhealthy as they come. Can't wait for the results from the physical he's scheduled for in Jan. Bet Pence can't wait either
Did you really buy this bullshit?
Trump Doctor Wrote Health Letter in Just 5 Minutes as Limo Waited ...
Aug 26, 2016 - Donald Trump's personal physician said he wrote a letter declaring Trump would be the healthiest president in history in just five minutes while a limo sent by the candidate waited outside his Manhattan office. Dr. Harold Bornstein, who has been the GOP nominee's doctor for 35 years, told NBC News on ...
IRS went after RW organizations claiming phony non-political status to avoid taxes.
I don't support Trump or Moore, so spare me your sanctimony and hypocrisy.
Mounting evidence that Trump has Alzheimer's Disease:
Neurocritic is a blog about topics from neuroscience. This post concerns the relationship between Alzheimer's Disease and deteriorating speech-patterns.
The quantified linguistic features included:
Number of unique words
Non-specific nouns – e.g., thing, something, anything
Filler words – well, so, basically, actually, literally, um, ah
Low-imageability, high frequency verbs – e.g., get, give, go, have, do
“You know what uranium is, right? It's this thing called nuclear weapons and other things. Like, lots of things are done with uranium, including some bad things. Nobody talks about that. I didn't do anything for Russia. I've done nothing for Russia.”
At 70 years old, Trump is the oldest person to be elected president. His father Fred was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease six years before his death.
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, “age, family history and heredity” are the most important risk factors in developing the disease. Most sufferers start to show signs of the illness at age 65.
Remember when Trump forgot which country he’d just bombed? When it just slipped his mind to sign a pair of executive orders during an event created for that explicit purpose? When he couldn’t locate Rudy Giuliani, who was sitting directly across from him at a media briefing? Those things don’t seem like innocuous senior moments.
Trump also seems to exhibit other signs of Alzheimer’s listed by health organizations. Moodiness, paranoia, belligerence and erratic behavior are all key indicators of the onset of dementia. Trump’s inappropriate tweets, his belief that his phones are tapped and his quickness to anger, as described by his staff, all fit the bill.