Thank you Cyber C for confirming & explaining "in detail", that SFOR is indeed still in the driver's seat, armed and prepared to engage the infringers, as well as the misguided California Judge, and to lay out the facts regarding SFOR's technology, supported by the IPR denial. Duo is a dead duck that is/was hoping to be revived by the California ruling, but IMO that will not happen! Like you, I trust R&G to educate this misguided (trying to be kind here!) judge, and to get our lawsuits back on track, headed for the obvious and ultimate settlement table, with the infringers bringing with them their white flags of surrender, as well as their checkbooks! All in due time!
I definitely agree with you that anyone selling under these temporary setback circumstances will regret doing so! I encourage everyone to resist the urge to bail out now! We all need to look at the bigger picture, which will include a new list of infringers, as these current cases are successfully closed, as well as large contracts being executed, bringing substantial monies into SFOR moving forward. We are SOOOOOOO close to achieving all that has been promised by SFOR, and it would be foolish, and a shame to see anyone throw in the towel now - unless you're an infringer, then its the smart thing to do! LOL!