The MS settlement as well as the Entrust settlement both ended with prejudice. They both I'm sure had their similarities and differences IMO. I would tend to believe the Centrify case will end with prejudice as well IMO. I believe all cases will end with prejudice mainly because none of these companies believe the patent to be no more than an obvious course of action in procedure than a patentable process even though it has been proven patentable. Terms of settlement on the other hand IMO depend on intent, execution and the amount profited from infringement as well as a number of other mitigating factors. Any of these instances can sway the terms of settlement between cases and shouldn't IMO be retrofitted from one case to the next. I would say we shall see but I don't think we ever will. It's up to the judge to decide. We have won and that to me is all that matters as a shareholder. "NEXT" I say and let's keep moving forward. Mr. Kay says the PPS will soon be business driven. When it is, then it will be time to uplist. Only my opinion. Have a GREAT day folks. GLTA