Day TradeXchange Adds Bitcoin; DTX to Offer Platfo
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DAMASCUS, MD--(Marketwired - Oct 23, 2017) - Day TradeXchange (OTC PINK: SYNJ) reports that the BOD of Day TradeXchange is in the final negotiating stages with multiple international platforms to allow Bitcoin access to the DTX platform. Sources close to the company report that the arrangement includes ties to the current and future day trading platform partners featuring the ARCHER program.
When asked to comment, the CEO stated, "To my knowledge, this is one of the most advanced forecasting indicators available to day traders today. It's not that prediction technology hasn't been around. Institutions have had it for years, but this is the first time a non-historical data based prediction indicator has been made available to the general day trading market. It's a game changer for the non-institutional trader; the regular guy," said Sorrentino, the CEO of Day TradeXchange, Inc.
In addition, DTX invites investors and traders of all experience and those simply curious about day trading to watch and listen to our professional traders make live trade calls in the DTX trading room. To schedule a FREE LIVE TRADING ROOM VISITORS PASS simply go to and enter your e-mail address and a trading coordinator will contact you with arrangements, (no credit card required). Login to DTX's live trading room from your computer and witness professional traders call trades in crude oil (CL), natural gas (NG), Russell 2000 (TF), Euro Currency (6E), S &P 500 (ES) and other futures markets. The trading room is open to members 24/7 but, only hosted by professional traders Monday -- Friday 9:30 to 11:30 AM EST. Day traders hold no open positions overnight and depending on market conditions, trades can happen relatively quick. With holding times of less than 5 minutes the trading room can provide many opportunities to profit. Witness firsthand how the ARCHER trading indicator provides our members with the trading edge they need to become profitable day traders.
Contact the Company to register for your FREE LIVE TRADING ROOM VISITORS PASS. Additional information on quarterly, semi-annual and annual trading room subscription packages as well as the ARCHER Software lease program is available by calling DTX at 888-422-5515 or by going to and entering your e-mail address. Active traders are welcome to call and take advantage of our FREE live trading room trial.
Day TradeXchange, where day traders trade.......
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