$MVTG bargains just all got swallowed whole! Hmmm Hmm good
Post# of 102250
$MVTG may qualify for it, held the 9 year and 52 week low since feb this year. In may they bought a second company, an operating $12 Million dollar year Cell tower & cable telecome services firm that has long term contracts with AT&T and Verizon, based in Florida, that has shares on the ask that sets the market cap equal 3 weeks of revenue!!!!! Crazy undervalued stock!!!
3 Insiders, running the 3 companies $MVTG owns owns 51% of the Issued shares!!!
One company has 3 game changer energy climate change CO2 solution technologies that was recently Partnered with GE/Alstom. A large number of issued international patents they hold, and one of them is a reactor that uses solar or wind power to convert CO2 green house carbon dioxide gas into syngas, that has a 30 BILLION dollar annual market world wide, it is used to make other plastics, fertilizer and chemicals....