Something to consider: I am not the only long that saw the similarity of NTEK and SIRI. Both companies were heavily shorted by those that felt both companies could be bankrupted. Both management teams were ill prepared to be attacked by those that wanted to bankrupt them and both ended up with large shareholder bases and large numbers of shares sold into the market to raise capital. I believe NTEK's large shareholder base and large short is its greatest asset and hopefully our management is now working a plan to take advantage of its shareholder base and turn the table on the shorts just as SIRI has. Hopefully the distribution of NTGL shares are a part of that plan. I also suggest NTEK longs continue to monitor SIRI as I have been doing as those SIRI shareholders who stayed the course have done very very well as this 5 year chart will attest to:
I look forward to management sharing its plan and knowing what a valuable asset a loyal shareholder base is. Go NTEK!!!