Farmer, I don't mean to diminish the importance of
Post# of 15624
Why? Because in a half dozen years, or less, I expect many of OWCP's products to be sold either as approved drugs, or as products found in most Green Cross stores, or variations of them, where it's legal. My point is that they will be available in most, if not all the most populist U.S. State's, even without Federal approval. I believe that number is 29 State's today, and will probably be 40 or more in six years, in short, the longer they wait, the more it becomes a non event.
What the Federal Govt. action is doing however is excluding us from a leadership role in developing cannabis based therapies. As an OWCP Investor, we may actually be at an advantage because Israel is recognized as a leader, while American Institutions that work with cannabis must do so with restrictions imposed by the Govt. It's not that no work is being done, it is, but sadly it's got to fight with the Federal Govt. rather than getting it's support.
If the U.S. really clamped down on cannabis use, the rest of the world still represents roughly 70% of the market, we could do quite nicely. In reality, I believe with the status quo, I.E. sales permitted in State's where voters have made it legal, I believe at least half of the U.S. potential is already available to us.
I think we should be excited about what we have, not worry about what we don't have, in time it will all come to us.