As an investor, and a SFOR long for years, I realized the potential and the impact that someday they were going to make in the cybersecurity sector. The impact, and recognition, is finally starting to occur, but as Dr. Evil posted yesterday, nobody, and no company is perfect. Therefore, with this in mind, we all would love SFOR to be perfect (they are almost there), but flaws do exist. And as shareholders, we have the right to be able to address, and express our concerns. At this current moment we have to face the fact that, if SFOR would have an efficient, and effective marketing campaign in force, we would surely be trading at silver by now, not at pennies. We all know with the patents that they own which in my opinion, are worth billions, and with all the catalysts going forward, there is no reason we should be so undervalued, and trading at these levels. I am a true believer, and will continue to rough it out, no matter what, but praise and credit is due, but also negatives need to be relayed to allow for further growth and development. A strong and effective marketing campaign needs to be implemented, to ensure a steady growth pattern, and create shareholder equity and value for the long term. This marketing topic needs to be discussed at the SHM.