let them .. unless something has radically changed
Post# of 43065
MC will learn what RC learned re: A company's *utilization*
but more important is the payment aspect where MC is concerned
edit .. not every sale is worth pursuing *imo* .. i think it's the March 2016
Update that has RH commenting about MC .. but i'll double check and edit in
Madison County, New York
Many P2O investors may be aware that an RFP has been issued by Madison County, New York. We applaud Madison County’s role in recognizing environmental issues and initiating a regional alternative to the disposal of agricultural waste plastic in landfills. In the past, P2O has successfully processed plastic feedstock for Madison County.
A single P2O processor operating at full capacity can process nearly 30 tons of hydrocarbon/feedstock material per day. We know of no other company that provides a more viable solution. We will continue to evaluate the situation to determine if there is a worthy, viable proposal that can be submitted. If no responsible bid is accepted by Madison County for their RFP, P2O will attempt to provide other solutions that may work for our neighbors in Madison County.
looks like a qualified maybe out of RH ..
i had done RT DD on this in talking to a NYS entity who does grants ..
and as I understood it
Monies for this project had to be spent (expended) b4 being able to be submitted
for re-payment .. I strongly suspect this was why this project was passed
because it would have cost P2O significantly upfront costs .. at a time
when (based on what other aspects were noted in the March 2016 Update)
other material events were being considered .. and realize it has been a year and a half to see just one of those material events' implemented (2 BoD adds)