New Investors: Warren Buffet stated 'the stock market is simply an exchange of money from the impatient to the patient'. What Mr. Buffet didn't state is during the patient time we would need to make sure to watch out for unscrupulous people with varying agendas who will tell you untruths and half-truths meant to deceive about Strikeforce' future such as Strikeforce is 'going out of business' 'watch out for a reverse stock split' 'settlements won't be good', 'there are no deals producing revenue' 'the financials show no revenue' on OTHER BOARDS. Although some of these statements may have had a measure of truth in the past they intentionally leave out the numerous publicly stated catalysts that have been and are continuing to emerge. Hopefully the Hangout has provided a communication platform that proves to be informative to you with numerous references, links and facts that help you understand where Strikeforce Stands today.