$PSGR November 6, 2017 Monday. Pershing Resources
Post# of 1517
Even though PSGR is a Penny Stock, the loss in value is relatively great to those investors who own more than 10,000 shares. A few brief years past, the shares were trading for $0.15 each. Were they over-priced then /OR/ under-priced now?
A portion of the value of a stock can be measured by its POTENTIAL to return a profit to the investor. Does PSGR have potential? The immediate response should be an unqualified 'Yes'. The true answer may be less than an unqualified 'Yes' and more closely defined as a very strong 'Probably'. Investors are aware of the claims (mine locations) and the reported Precious Metal Assays. Herein lies the conundrum:
1) Investors must rely upon company representatives to present the results of the Assays. Were the Assays 'selective gatherings' from previously established 'rich' ores? Were all of the Assays conducted by a licensed Assayer? Were all of the Assays collected and transported by an Independent Agency?
2) The mine locations (CLAIMS) are represented as locations with previously known or suspected areas of Precious Metals. If the locations do have precious metals (ores), what is the ESTIMATED value of the IDENTIFIED precious metals, how much and where on the site? Are the precious metals recoverable? Are the quantities of precious metals sufficient to fund the start-up and, once the mine is in operation, to turn a CONTINUING PROFIT?
Both questions have been PARTIALLY answered. Yes, there WERE some assays that were conducted in a CERTIFIED LAB. Yes, there were some ore quantities that could be extrapolated from the Lab results. NO, the value of PSGR is not known. At best, the value of PSGR is based upon optimistic qualifying of the Precious Metals site content based upon the most positive Assay results. The question now becomes: If the BEST ASSAY RESULTS demonstrate a large presence of, for example, GOLD, why aren't other individuals, other companies or Investment Firms jumping on board the Pershing Resources Train to Riches?
Maybe the MAJORITY OWNERSHIP of Pershing Resources wants to keep the potentially enormous profit 'in house'. Maybe some or all of the above individuals/companies/firms are already in the works and waiting for final document/agreement signings. Maybe a permit or two is still lacking and Pershing Resources must wait for the final approvals. Or maybe......
I remain POSITIVE. The First Quarter of 2018 will soon be upon us. At the End of the 1st Quarter many questions may be answered.