The War against Reality By David Solway < >
Post# of 51575

By David Solway < >
Reality is a formidable opponent. It never loses. Sometimes the victory is immediate; in the political, cultural, and economic domains, it may take a while longer. In any human confrontation with the intractable facts of life, physical or historical, the outcome is never in doubt. Ignorance is a serious liability in any transaction with the real world. Denial is ultimately lethal.
What we might call the leftist predisposition, the resentment of things as they are and the hunger for an Elysian mirage, will always be with us.
Another word for this aberration is progressivism. The method it has adopted to achieve its goal is to abjure common sense – that is, the acknowledgement of psychological, biological, historical, and physical facts, and to substitute a series of phantoms that consort with desire, not reality. The repudiation of the reality principle and the pursuit of one's own destruction are clearly a kind of insanity, the false idealism of profane perfectibility, self-hatred masking as self-love