Thu 2017-11-02 Re:getmoreshares your post No 121
Post# of 12259
Re:getmoreshares your post No 12130 dated Thu 2017-10-26
In response to your post cited above, I am confirming that someone bought 100 000 shares MNGG at US$ 0.0001 per share today Thu 2017-11-02. However, unable to confirm in recent time when MNGG last traded; perhaps more than 3 to 4 weeks ago.
You are right MNGG is dead until its status updated! Meanwhile what options for us hapless shareholders!? Permit me to borrow verbatim your advice "we wait"! Good advice which IMHO (in my humble opinion) we should heed. Here is an example to support the advice: Over 6 years ago I owned 50 000 000 (fifty million) shares at US$ 0.0001 per share of a dead stock (ticker symbol unavailable). One morning my patience with that "zombie stock" had snapped, so I phoned my brokers to declare the stock defunct and sell it. The brokers were happy to comply and charge me extra US$ 0.05 for it. Shortly afterwards I sat haplessly and hopelessly to watch the zombie leapfrog 100-fold from US$ 0.0001 to US$ 0.01 per share A whopping US$ 500 000 (US dollars half million) gross gain by the new buyer! Incredible but true story!
Yes! Let us heed getmoreshares' advice on MNGG. We wait! Nevertheless, the pain of "ad infinitum" wait painfully excruciating!
Bonis Omnibus (Prosperity for All)