You can not satisfy any of the hard core environmentalists. I was a part of the world's largest (at the time) solar power plant located on the California/Nevada border, called Ivanpah. The cost was well over $2,000,000,000. As construction was taking place, a turtle was killed. When that incident was reported you would have thought 100 people were slaughtered out there. The environmentalists went crazy and got the state regulators involved to where we were told if more than 3 turtles were killed, we would have to shut the project down. We put up black silt fencing up and down the roadways, we had to tear part of the road up to put in cattle grates so if the turtles did make onto the roadway, they would fall into the ravines and not be run over. The environmentalists petitioned the government to have us take up the black silt fence in order that the turtles could see the other side of the road. The cost to save and protect the turtles was in the millions.
Now the solar project is complete and the environmentalists are up in arms because birds flying through the solar fields are being burned and are dying. The solar collectors follow the sun and shine up to the boilers 400' in the air. News reports are constantly written about this travesty.
We also built wind farms to produce electricity. Now the environmentalists are up in arms as birds are flying into the blades and being killed.
More birds have died caused by solar and wind accidents than have died in the US caused by all of the nuclear power plants combined.