Imagine how horrible it would be if Hillary was elected or Obama still there. Real unemployment might be up to 30% from 20% If they still used 1994 standards. Gees,. now part time employees are a job, but if they leave they are not unemployed since they don't get unemployment insurance., People who use up their unemployment don't count anymore, unlike in 1994. Libtards called Reaganonomic VooDoo Economics. Geez, Obama economics which would have been carried out by Hitlerary is like "Blatant Lies to the Brainwashed Sheeple".
And keep in mind hawks, all you use is liberal, Deep State sources for your links. Gallup Pool has been off on almost all recent elections, making the liberal better than he was actually doing. You used MSNBC as a source recently, OMG OMG OMG