ITKH is a good company on the way to becoming a great company. It takes time to grow and as an investor you should be prepared to buy and hold. Unfortunately there are people that are after the quick buck and attempt to pump and dump. The key to a great company is its performance of growth quarter to quarter. As business and profits increase so will the value of the stock. Down the road a company like ITKH will grow in value to a point where they will file to trade on a higher quality trading board such as the NASDAQ or the N.Y. Stock Exchange. These trading platforms expose the company to large funds and investors that lower their risk. Most require a base price of $5 per share or more and audited financials. As funding becomes available the growth of the company increases exponentially and the stock price continues to climb. Soon dividends are announced and the share holders are now in a position to receive quarterly income and their holdings increase in value.