Quarterly Gross Profit = $2.6M (Net Income = 1.1M)
Post# of 138

Quarterly Revenue = $4.4M
Insiders own 81.5% of outstanding shares in PGAS approximately over 136,000,000 million shares are controlled by them leaving a tiny float for retail in this profitable company.
PGAS has a very strong cash position meaning company is in a position to continue to grow without diluting in addition to increasing shareholder value. A company with this strong a balance sheet and a float of 24million is definitely at a minimum or any reasonable metric worth over 15-20 cents at a minimum
PGAS annual revenue for 2017 will be in the $20-$25million range while maintaining liabilities under $500k is unheard off. The current market cap of the company is a ridiculously low $4.8 million is about what their quarterly revenue is and 1/5th of their annual revenue.
With uplisting coming up and more acquisitions in the oil and gas sector in the pipeline this is a prime opportunity to own a piece of PGAS.
see also: https://wallstreetwhispers.blogspot.ca/2017/0...tions.html